Many physical aches, pains, or illnesses can be healed with solutions that lie outside our physical being.
As a mother daughter team, we’ve both learned this in different ways.
Confronting Illness
Chris is a health educator who has worked in elite athletics, chronic disease prevention, cardiac wellness, cancer care, and pharmaceutical sales. She supported people’s health for years through our healthcare system’s accepted methods of diet, exercise, drugs, and surgery.
After living a textbook healthy and athletic lifestyle, she learned first-hand how these solutions can sometimes fail. In 1994, she was unexpectedly clobbered for 8 years with the complex and widely misunderstood diagnoses of chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
Words can’t describe the pain, frustration, and loss she experienced.
Nothing was helping her get better. Why didn’t the medical system have solutions for her? Why couldn’t she figure it out? Why didn’t people understand her experience? Who could she turn to?
She regained vitality only after exploring her own sense of spiritual strength, realigning with her life purpose, and developing a completely new lighthearted framework for managing health.
In a similar way, Danielle was busy building a career as an impact business strategist when she burnt out with a painful sore throat that lasted over a year. It forced her to let go of several projects that she didn’t even realize were pulling her in too many directions.
She met with dozens of doctors before realizing that the solution wasn’t physical. As someone who often struggled to speak up, she woke up to an understanding that the purpose of the pain was to force her to let go of people-pleasing and embrace a new commitment to noticing and nurturing her soul’s calling.
Facing the deeper questions eventually led to physical healing. What to proactively commit to when she could no longer do it all? How to tap into the strength to say ‘no’ and choose what she desired, even over others? How to stay true to voicing her needs despite medical professionals seeing nothing wrong?
Soon after Danielle got real about what she wanted, and reset her life and work priorities to match, the healing began.
Regaining Health
We now realize the symptoms we experienced –– physical, emotional, and mental –– were simply triggers to get us into deep reflection on how our souls were sending a clear message through the body… to find the courage to make dramatic changes.
The Missing Link
Over the years as an educator and health coach, Chris has helped thousands of people with heart disease, cancer, and chronic pain through her popular Sleep Well Tonight services. It’s almost impossible to heal from these challenges without getting quality sleep each day.
But she also noticed that many people, for different reasons, were frustrated and struggled to improve sleep because there was a deeper cause for the anxiety and sleepless nights.
Chris knew it was time to tell the real truth about how she recovered. It was time to challenge society’s imposed sense of how we heal, and raise awareness of the most critical component of recovery and vitality….
Our spiritual energy is always available to help us avoid these profound causes of pain and unrest.
Get Spirited By Reframing Health
Spirited Health confronts conventional knowledge with a reframed and refreshed understanding of health.
It is a fun playbook and a welcoming place where we come together to explore how all levels of health influence each other––physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual––and how it all starts by practicing wellness from within.
What we’ve discovered through talking to people about their biggest challenges in life is that spiritual experiences are the keys to recovery, and they are not uncommon.
And sometimes we hesitate to share our thoughts and feelings about how life-changing our spiritual experiences are. But when we learn to fully embrace our powerful spiritual strength, we can show up as our most authentic and energetic self in all parts of our lives.
What a joy it is to know who you are at your core, and live from that powerful awareness. When you experience the power of the Spirited Health framework, you will feel more joy and a new aliveness every day.
Join Spirited Health to live a spirited life!
Learn more about Chris’ experience of illness and recovery:
About Chris Carruthers, PhD

About Danielle Sutton
Danielle is co-founder of Spirited Health where she leads marketing and community engagement.
She is also founder of The Sedge where she helps entrepreneurs build social enterprises using thoughtful business model design and mission-first strategies. Danielle has been invited to speak and teach for organizations throughout Canada and the United States, and leads content marketing for Acumen Academy (the World’s School for Social Change).
Danielle started her entrepreneurial journey after being selected for the leading accelerator program, Start Up Chile. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Mount Royal University and a Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship from University of the Pacific.